'Like flowers ache for spring,
my heart craves my mother,
more than anything'
- Rupi Kaur
Today, and everyday, we celebrate motherhood.
We are sending our love and strength to all the mothers, past, present and future.
Motherhood is an incredible gift and as a team of women here at Cloth & Co. we wanted to shed some light on the unique and beautiful experiences of motherhood from our wonderful team.
We are delighted to share these with you.
Caroline, Mother to Daisy and Hattie...
Firstly, what does motherhood mean to you?
When I was quite young, I remember thinking of all the things I wanted to do in this world. Anita Roddick the founder of Body Shop had a big influence on this, I loved the concept and it was unique in its day. So when I was thinking about having children, one of the things that really resonated was the idea that perhaps I could amplify my efforts through the influence I would have on my children. Being a mother is one of the greatest gifts but I also feel that women have an innate maternal influence on so many aspects of life, without physically giving birth.
Being an environmentally driven and conscious person, how did you encourage and teach your children to understand the value of sustainability?
In so many ways, they have taught me! I think these values are learnt through example and really we have evolved over time. I have never been into fast fashion, my parents were in the textile business, these were beautiful quality natural fibres, polyester was never a consideration. I remember checking labels and feeling garments for their synthetic content at a very young age. I grew up in nature, that's important to me, it's just the way I am.
Daisy, Daughter of Caroline...
How do you find working as a Mother-Daughter Duo?
I love working with my mum. We founded the business on a shared vision and goal which drives us both to continuously better and improve what we do. We have a great dynamic, we’re really up front and honest with one another which is important when making business decisions. We’re also quite different in the way that we approach things, which we have found really complimentary. I have so much respect and admiration for my mum, and it really has been, and continues to be the best and most rewarding experience being able to grow Cloth & Co. and work together every day.
Adelaide, Mother to Banks...
How would you explain the transition into motherhood?
It really is a transition that you can not prepare for and never really understand until you are in the midst of it yourself. Motherhood has been the hardest yet most rewarding and natural experience for me. The days and nights are long, I now have no time for myself and forget to shower, brush my teeth and even eat most days. I now understand why they say, it takes a village to raise a child. However, overall I feel a sense of calm and togetherness. I have never felt more me and more purposeful in life. I am so in love with my son and so excited for his future.
Has the importance and value of investing in sustainable fibres changed for you since having a baby?
I have definitely become more aware and conscious of everything I am using, buying and dressing Banks in. He is so precious and vulnerable so I definitely find myself doing more research about natural ingredients and steering clear of anything toxic. Fortunately, working for a sustainable brand where I am constantly learning about sustainability and the environment, I have been able to make more informed decisions and understand at a deeper level why sustainable fibres in particular are important.
Charlotte, Mother to Levi...
Having a young son who is still so vulnerable to the world, what are some words of advice you believe would help to prepare and educate him for a future in pandemics, fast fashion, the climate crisis, and racial injustice?
I think an important thing here is to be able to recognise when your child is feeling scared, worried or confused about what is going on and telling them it’s ok to feel like that, and that we will find a solution together. They are born so pure, without discrimination, and I know for my son, who is particularly sensitive for such a young age, seeing the world change so rapidly, or for people to get hurt based on their skin colour, or watch people live in poverty, this will come as a shock to the system. I want him to know the facts, but also to know it’s ok to feel worried or frustrated and that I’m here to help him get through it and find a way that he can help, should he want to. There’s always steps we can take personally to move in the right direction and educate ourselves, and I’ll encourage him to do so.
Amanda, Mother to James...
As a mother of a beautiful young boy, who works for a brand where women’s empowerment is at the heart of what they do, what piece of advice would you give your son that would help him make informed decisions about women as a young man?
My advice: Be Kind.
I strongly believe that modelling respectful behaviour and instilling values that promote empathy, equality, and the acceptance of differences is crucial in helping children develop and maintain respectful connections throughout their lives. I am extremely lucky that my son has many great examples of strong, successful, intelligent, and deeply kind women around him to help me guide him through life.
Jacqui, Mother to Claudia & Isla...
As a mother of twin girls who have just started high school, how have you managed your time to ensure your own health is still a priority whilst raising twins?
Time management has actually become harder the older the girls get. In between being uber Mum and organiser I always try to make sure I do a mix of exercise every week; pilates, weight training and tennis for fun. Eat well and sleep well. I don't get FOMO so if I'm not feeling 100% I say no. I’m a home body so love being home with my fam and relaxing! It’s about making sure you have an even balance in life and don’t take on too many other things.
As an environmentally conscious and committed business, we wanted to shed some light on Mother Earth. She too gives us life and is worth nourishing, protecting and praising.
We hope you enjoy your Mother's Day and spending time with your loved ones.
Cloth & Co. xx